Honorary and Memorial gifts to the Salem Public Library Foundation are a wonderful way
to honor those you love, while also enriching lives throughout the local community.
to honor those you love, while also enriching lives throughout the local community.
Honorary Gifts
Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or other special occasion with a gift to the Salem Public Library Foundation. You may honor your friend, family member, or co-worker through a general donation or a specific donation toward books, furniture, programs, or events. At your request, we're happy to send a card from the Foundation telling your loved one that you have made a thoughtful gift in their name. |
Memorial Gifts
Gifts in memory are made to honor the legacy of someone dear to the donor who has passed away and to celebrate his or her life. For a loved one whose life has been enriched by reading, the Library, literacy and learning, memorial gifts to the Salem Public Library Foundation are a meaningful tribute. When a family suffers a loss, there are countless emotional decisions to make. To ensure your final wishes are known, it is advisable to share with your loved ones that you would appreciate memorial gifts be made to the Salem Public Library Foundation in your honor. Loved ones may prefer to ask for memorial gifts through the published obituary. Alternatively, relatives and friends can be notified at the service or the information can be printed on a card of remembrance. When receiving a memorial gift, Salem Public Library Foundation acknowledges the donor’s generosity with a personalized letter and receipt. The family of the deceased is notified of the gift and any accompanying message. Salem Public Library Foundation never discloses the amount of a memorial or honorary gift. |